04 May Spencer & Sara, Cape Town Elopement
African penguins pick a mate for life – this was also the theme for Sara & Spencer’s barefoot destination wedding I-do’s lead by her father on a pleasant autumn day in the beautiful city of Cape Town. When Sara first contacted me all the way from California in the USA and told me about her dream of having penguins in her wedding photos, I was skeptical about it to say the least. Realistically, I explained, these little cute creatures in their tuxedos are shy and will definitely not sit still facing the camera while we use them as props. Nonetheless, we went to the beach and there were quite a few sitting around on the rocks lazing in the afternoon sun. As expected all of them left quickly and Sara’s dad carried on with his beautiful message for them.
As soon as we started couple photos in some of the most beautiful autumn light I have seen while shooting, a curious pair of penguins approached us. I am a big advocate of wild animals being free in their natural habitat, so at no point did we disturb, lure or feed them. They were hanging around in the background, sometimes coming closer until we moved too quickly then they retreated again. I could not believe my eyes, Sara and Spencer got their dream – penguins in their wedding photos!
Spencer & Sara, thank you for choosing me to share this special afternoon with you! We hope to welcome you for many more holidays in our beautiful country of South Africa. A special thanks to Boulders Beach Lodge in Simonstown for being so warm and accommodating for the getting dressed photos.